918-664-4224 www.12and12.org
Provides a full range of drug and alcohol treatment programs focused on a person's specific needs, regardless of their ability to pay.
918-451-1491 www.anewleaf.org
Provides individuals with disabilities life skills and marketable job training through horticulture therapy, vocational placement, and residential services to increase their independence and individual choices.
918-592-1235 www.abilityresources.org
Provides services and information to help people with disabilities attain and maintain personal independence.
918-831-1100 www.redcross.org
Helps families prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies, and provides community health education and training programs.
918-582-8272 www.thearcok.org
Provides advocacy, education and support to people with developmental disabilities and their families.
918-744-4400 www.bbbsok.org
Facilitates one-to-one mentoring friendships between children and caring volunteers through community-based and site-based programs.
918-743-6125 www.okscouts.org
A year-round program providing character building programs focused on leadership, life skills and outdoor learning for youth 7 to 21.
918-592-3333 www.thebridgesfound.org
Provides employment services and living skills training for adults with developmental disabilities.
918-367-5400 www.bristowhelps.org
Helps those in crisis with emergency utility assistance, prescription assistance, clothing and more.
918-251-7781 www.baneighbors.org
Provides basic needs assistance to financially disadvantaged residents of Broken Arrow.
918-259-8377 www.baseniors.org
Provides programs and services that help seniors maintain a healthy, independent lifestyle.
918-592-2267 www.tulsacampfire.org
Provides asset-building programs and activities for boys and girls, Pre-K through 12th grade, and their families.
918-382-3200 www.captulsa.org
Helps individuals and families in economic need achieve self-sufficiency through early childhood education and asset-building services.
918-224-6464 www.caringcommunityfriends.org
Provides food, infant needs, utilities and prescription assistance in Sapulpa, Kellyville, Kiefer, Mounds and Oakhurst.
918-894-6561 www.ceoworks.org
Dedicated to providing immediate, effective and comprehensive employment services to men and women with recent criminal convictions.
918-584-8607 www.tulsacenter.org
Provides a variety of rehabilitative fitness, adaptive sports and recreation programs, and community outings for people with physical challenges.
918-624-0200 www.childabusenetwork.org
Brings multiple agencies together under one roof to provide non-traumatic child abuse investigation and crisis intervention services.
918-585-5551 www.csctulsa.org
Provides leadership for community-based planning and action to prevent and reduce social and health problems.
918-224-9647 www.creekliteracy.org
Provides free confidential tutoring for adults and children.
918-749-2141 www.crossroadsok.org
A psychosocial clubhouse model program that provides hope, opportunities and choices for adults who have a mental illness.
918-582-1457 www.crosstowntulsa.org
Provides nationally accredited early care and learning for children through pre-kindergarten, as well as for infants.
918-743-5763 www.dvis.org
Provides counseling, shelter, transitional living, court advocacy and education services to families affected by domestic and sexual violence.
918-742-5544 www.eodds.org
Free dental care for low-income seniors and individuals with disabilities in eastern Oklahoma.
918-587-9471 www.fcsok.org
Provides behavioral health care, child abuse response, early childhood family support and family life education services across the lifespan.
918-749-2551 www.gseok.org
A leadership development experience for girls 5-17 to build girls of courage, confidence and character, who make the world a better place.
918-878-0556 www.global-gardens.org
Empowers low-income students in grades K-8 to become agents of change by creating community gardens.
918-584-7291 www.goodwilltulsa.org
Provides work opportunities, job training and support services for people with disabilities or other employment barriers.
918-747-2273 www.hospiceofgreencountry.org
Provides compassionate and quality end-of-life care to patients and families regardless of ability to pay.
918-794-8652 www.kipptulsa.org
Provides middle school students with optimum academic and social skills to succeed in high school, college and a competitive world.
918-584-3338 www.legalaidok.org
Provides assistance to low-income and elderly persons with non-criminal legal issues.
918-664-9000 www.lifeseniorservices.org
Provides information, education and resources to seniors and their caregivers to promote independence, dignity and quality of life.
918-585-1213 www.mhaok.org
Promotes mental health and mental disorder prevention through advocacy, education, housing and support services.
918-587-2171 www.mortonhealth.org
Provides quality, cost-effective and family-based health services with dignity and respect to all people without regard to finances, culture or lifestyle and provides information and support to promote participation in health care decisions.
918-756-2549 www.casasafehouse.org
Provides domestic violence intervention through emergency shelter, counseling/case management, and serves abused/neglected children.
918-756-9098 www.okmulgeehomelessshelter.org
Provides temporary emergency shelter, food, clothing and laundry facilities to move people from homelessness to self-sufficiency.
918-756-7700 www.annemoroneyyouthservices.com
Provides shelter, counseling, parenting, prevention education, truancy and advocacy programs for youth and families.
918-582-7884 www.operationaware.org
Equips youth, through prevention education, with the knowledge and skills to make positive life choices.
918-272-4969 www.owassohelps.org
Provides basic needs assistance to financially disadvantaged residents of Owasso and Collinsville.
918-832-7763 www.palmer-tulsa.org
Provides substance abuse outpatient treatment programs for adolescents and residential treatment for women and their children.
918-599-7999 www.parentchildcenter.org
Strengthens families to break the cycle of child abuse and neglect through education, prevention, treatment and advocacy.
918-949-1979 www.readingpartners.org/location/tulsa/
Reading Partners works to ensure that students from low-income homes are empowered to make their own life decisions thanks to strong academic skills of which proficient reading is the foundation.
918-280-8656 www.rsvptulsa.org
Enables senior volunteers to use their skills and time to help nonprofit and public agencies in our community.
918-587-7801 www.SalArmyTulsa.org
Provides shelter, transitional housing, case management, job readiness and emergency financial assistance for individuals and families. Also provides tutoring and educational programs, positive recreation and character development for youth, and support for families and seniors.
918-245-5183 www.sscsok.org
Provides temporary/emergency relief by assisting clients with food, clothing, utility and rent payments, and free educational classes.
918-224-7214 www.showinc.org
Provides services to people with developmental disabilities including: vocational/assisted living services to adults and respite care for children.
918-833-9800 www.streetschool.org
A tuition-free dropout prevention program for students in grades 9 - 12 which includes education and therapeutic counseling.
918-587-1200 www.thegriefcenter.org
Offers comprehensive, long-term grief counseling to assist the bereaved as they journey toward improved health and a renewed sense of worth in the wake of loss.
918-832-8742 www.tsha.cc
Bridges gaps to improve the quality of life for those affected by hearing loss.
918-245-0231 www.tulsaboyshome.org
Provides residential treatment for adolescent males with mental health, behavioral and substance abuse issues.
918-834-4194 www.tulsacares.org
Delivers social services to low-income individuals living with HIV/AIDS throughout northeastern Oklahoma.
918-584-2272 www.tulsacasa.org
Trains community volunteers to advocate for the best interests of abused/neglected children in the Juvenile Court System of Tulsa County.
918-442-2200 www.workadvance.org www.madisonstrategies.org
Provides low-income Tulsans with career readiness training, full-time job placement, career advancement services and in-demand, short-term, customized technical skills training at no cost.
918-583-5588 www.tulsadaycenter.org
Provides daytime services for people who are homeless, such as shelter, restroom facilities, case management and a nurses' clinic.
918-485-2309 www.wagonerhelps.org
Provides emergency assistance with food, clothing, utilities, rent, prescriptions and personal care to Wagoner area residents.
918-747-9622 www.ymcatulsa.org
Provides recreational, educational, health and child care programs for youth, adults and families.
918-493-7311 www.youthatheart.org
Character building and crime prevention for at-risk youth through educational and recreational programs.
918-227-2622 www.yscc.net
Provides crisis intervention, shelter and counseling programs for at-risk youth and families in Creek County.
918-582-0061 www.yst.org
Promotes the potential of all youth through counseling, delinquency prevention, youth development, and runaway and homeless youth services.
918-587-2100 www.ywcatulsa.org
Eliminates racism and empowers women through counseling services, child and youth programs, immigration services and fitness training.
Call 2-1-1 Helpline 24/7 or search 2-1-1's on-line database for information on community resources and crisis intervention services.
*A program of Community Service Council of Greater Tulsa.
Receive financial coaching from a professional instructor headquartered at Goodwill Industries of Tulsa
*A program of Goodwill Industries of Tulsa.
Dial 2-1-1 from any phone 24/7 to get connected to confidential information, referral and crisis intervention services.