A. The Employee Campaign Coordinator (ECC) engages coworkers to build a stronger community by planning, organizing and coordinating a successful United Way campaign in their workplace.
An ECC is enthusiastic, has a positive attitude and communicates effectively with colleagues at all levels within the organization. ECCs publicize the United Way campaign, schedule engagement activities and presentations, distribute and collect forms, and coordinate any other fundraisers. The TAUW staff and Campaign Fellows are here to help you every step of the way. CLICK HERE to contact your United Way staff person to begin planning.
For assistance in planning a successful campaign, the Employee Campaign Coordinator Training Guide is an excellent place to start. Incorporate as many of these steps as you can for a successful campaign. A copy is included in your materials or click HERE for an online copy.
Q. When do we receive materials for our United Way campaign?
A. Materials and campaign packets are distributed at the start of August before the campaign kicks off. If your company is ready to start your campaign, and you haven't received your packet, contact your United Way staff person or email CAMPAIGN@TULSAUNITEDWAY.ORG, and we will deliver materials to you.
Q. What if I need additional materials?
A. We have plenty of materials, so if you need more, complete this form or contact your United Way staff person, and let us know what you need. We'll fill the order and deliver the additional supplies to you.
Q. What are the important campaign dates?
A. The key dates are Day of Caring and Unite! We would like all campaigns activities and reports turned in by Unite! For a full listing of campaign dates, check out the Campaign Calendar.
Q. How long should my campaign run?
A. Campaigns can be any length - from one day to one month. The time should be what works best for your company. A good baseline for many companies is a two-week campaign. We encourage a kickoff meeting to distribute pledge cards and feature speakers from United Way and a partner agency. Contact your United Way staff person for more ideas in planning the right campaign strategy for your company.
Q. Why should I have an agency speaker visit my company? How do I schedule a speaker for our event?
A. Agency speakers can personalize the United Way for your employees. They will give a brief overview of their agency and tell how the United Way helps them and the other agencies. The staff or CFs can schedule a speaker for you. Just contact them with the details of the meeting. We request a week's notice, if possible, to make sure we can get an agency speaker to your location.
Remember, the best speaker is anyone in your organization who has worked with or been helped by one of the partner agencies, if they are willing to share their story.
Q. I heard that there are Leadership Giving challenges available, what are those and how do they work?
A. Several foundations have been generous enough to donate grants that will be used as matching funds for new or increased Leadership Donors. For example, if you gave $500 last year and give $600 this year, the foundation will give $100 to match your increased amount. If a donor is new, or gave less than $500 last year, and gives $500 this year, the entire amount will be matched.
A common question is, "Does the match count in your employee campaign?" Unfortunately it does not, but it does help us reach the community challenge and receive additional funds.
For complete details on how the challenge works and our other challenges available, click here.
Q. I've just had a special event fundraiser for my campaign. How do I get the money to you?
A. We encourage you to report your special events right after they are completed, so you don't keep cash in your desk. Click here to request a bag for the cash that you receive and print a campaign report. After completing the report (see below for instructions), you can drop off the report and money at TAUW, 1430 S. Boulder; call your campaign staff or CF for pick-up, or e-mail campaign@tulsaunitedway.org.
Q. I'm through with my campaign, how do I report the results to TAUW?
A. We've put together an informational video with instructions to help you. Click here for the video and written instructions.
The instructions also are on the Campaign Report Return Envelope. Remember, you can submit multiple reports, but the reports are not cumulative, so you should only report results included in the envelope.
After the report is ready, copies are stapled to the outside, and the envelope is sealed, you may drop off the report, call your staff person or CF for pick-up, or e-mail campaign@tulsaunitedway.org.
Q. Why do I need to include copies of the pledge cards with my report?
A. We use the information to inform, recognize and thank our donors. We value the privacy of every donor and do not sell or share their personal information with anyone outside our organization.
We are making this concerted effort to gather the names of our donors so that we may have a more personal relationship with them, keeping them informed of how their gift is being used and what's happening at the United Way.
Many companies conveniently provide pledge information in a spreadsheet with name, address, e-mail and pledge amount, instead of copies of the cards. If that works best for you, e-mail the spreadsheet to campaign@tulsaunitedway.org.
Q. I had people give Leadership Gifts during the campaign, how do I get recognition items for them?
A. Small recognition items are available for those who give $500 or more during the campaign (payroll deduction or direct gift.) If you were able to provide copies of your pledge cards or give us donor names, we will gather items and provide them to you near the end of the campaign. If not, complete the Leaders in Giving form here, and we will deliver the items to you for distribution.
We have small frames or lapel pins that can be used as gifts. Please let us know which item you prefer and we will deliver them. You also can click here to request those gifts.